
Showing posts from 2015

Create transparent images for html use with Blender Cycles render engine

Object of tutorial : Create transparent images for html usage with Blender 3d I use blender Cycles engine for render and blender compositor to mask and make the final result. What i use: blender download Here  (free 3d program) First we create a little studio in Blender for render our object  (use Object Index = 1) A box with 2 side of lights L and R (use "geometry>Backfacing" for no cast light out of box). White Background (simple diffuse material). Gray top  (simple diffuse material). World set to black. We place the object into the studio box and set camera for render  Setting up passes before render Then we render (my rend 450 samples) and open composer to start play with it We use Diffuse Direct-Indirect-Color and IndexOB to create a filter.For better result we add to this filter a vignette so smooth every hard cut from image i group all in vignette so i can control only what i want outside the gro